Sunday, May 16, 2010


Frustration my word of choice this last week. I hope my words of choice this week will be "Thank You Mother Nature"

Back to last week frustration. After mowing my section of greens last Friday, I was very frustrated. I was not liking the still slow growing areas on greens.

We have done so many things thus far this spring to try and spur the greens. Fertilized, verticut, spiked, aerified. All to little production. Unfortunately, the soil temps have just plain been to low. For a little while the soil temps were building.

Then we had a bunch of rain and continued low nighttime temps. Those two factors took those rising soil temps and drove them right back down.

When I checked late last week the soil temps were around 55-58 degrees.
Those temps need to be more like mid 60's to 70. The grass is much happier to grow in that range.

As we head into this week I have high hopes. I hope the extended weather outlook will produce some fruitful grass growth. But, just in case we will continue to work hard to encourage growth. We'll be spiking, verticutting, and topdressing Monday and Tuesday this week.

Mother Nature do your magic!

-- Post From My iPad

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our Four Legged Residents

We have some little Fox pups on the course this year. We have counted as many as 6-7 pups and three adults. Here a little video of two pups. PLEASE be aware of their den off of #15 green cart path. Please let them be and let them go about their business. They have already eaten a couple geese. GOOD JOB Foxes!

-- Post From My iPad

My first week with Our Baroness LM56 Walking Greens Mowers

We have just completed our First Week of cutting with our new Baroness LM56 mowers. Up until this last Monday, it had been 17 yrs since the last time a walk mowed a green. Back to my days at Minneapolis Golf Club. I am not going to lie, my body felt like it had been that long. My pedometer read almost ten miles walked in a 4 hour period. I mowed 14 greens.

I am really looking forward to cutting with these mowers for the rest of the summer. This week we used the De-Thatching attachment. This will clean out the old grow. As well as provide mow air space and water penetration.

This next week we will use the groomer attachment. This will help further provide air and water movement. It will also help remove the lateral plant growth and promote upright growth.

I am really liking the quality of cut of these mowers. Now we just need to get some warm weather to help the greens fill in from winter injury. Most of these areas have been seeded, now they just need to grow.

-- Post From My iPad