Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Turf Recovery and Aeration Season

Well, the weather has started to change for the better. The turf is getting a bit of a break from the weather stress. Turf is starting to recover. I has noticed that the struggling greens 3,4,7,8 and 17 are looking better. I have been giving them some more frequent drinks of nitrogen and raised the height of cut slightly.

We will be aerating as many greens as we can on Thursday of this week with small 1/4" tines. NO SAND They won't be able to handle the stress of dragging sand.

The objective is to vent the greens. This helps to exchange the organic matter gases within the green for oxygen. It also provides water penetration and new avenues for root growth. This process will be followed up with new bent seed and a starter fertilizer. The process should not disrupt play as with a traditional aeration. It will look something like this.

The greens need this process because they are made from native soil. Which is a most peat based soil. So they build up a lot of organic matter.
First Step Cores

Next Blow off Cores

Next Roll Green

Next day after mowing

The holes are small and will grow over and seal up in a short amount of time.

Next spring we will most likely do a Deep Tine aeration. This will yield an aeration hole about 10" deep. We will then fill the holes with sand. This will be an ongoing effort to change the soil profile to one that is better suited to grow our Poa Annua and Bent grasses.

Next the fairways will be addressed. We will be aerating and slit seeding as many as we can. Starting with 10,8, and 5. The Poa Annua was hit hard this year with disease from the harsh heat.

In addition to those holes, I hope to get all the fairways aerated this fall. This is something that has not been done for many years.

-- Post From My iPad

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